Saturday, November 17, 2012


from idaho falls, id.
three years in provo.

"the way i dress is entirely based upon my mood. i do love to dress up and wear timeless things, but there are those days where i feel uncomfortable in anything except for torn jeans and a t-shirt (usually star wars paraphernalia). i love menswear, i love graphic tees, i love girly dresses. i guess one could say that my wardrobe is as eccentric as the one who wears it."

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


from lynchburg, va.
3 years in provo.

"i like to keep it simple; i'd really rather be naked anyway. as long it's comfortable and flattering, i'm doing alright."

Monday, November 5, 2012


from vacaville, ca.
4 years in provo.

"as far as fashion goes, i think my style has come from a couple of different places. early on in my life it was skateboarding that made all my fashion decisions for me. if it had a cool dc logo on it, i got it. but as life progressed i noticed i had other hobbies in addition to skateboarding which made me begin to think it might be ok if i bought clothes that weren't from a skateboarding brand. i don't have any specific style that i say i like, but i do have a few things that influence what i buy to wear. the first one is just divine intervention you might call it. i will be walking through a store, with no particular thing in mind, and then i will see something awesome, that i need, that i'm glad found me because i didn't even know that i was supposed to be looking for it. these things usually last the longest in my wardrobe and usually wear and tear claims them long before i'm ready to part with them. another way is the exact opposite, i will see something, on a blog, movie, in a dream, or whatever, and search the universe until i find it, but often times i don't. that's why i wished i could (and should learn to) sew. but sometimes happily i will find something that i am looking for and will rejoice. when i'm dressing i mostly just try to make colors match, and find combinations from my clothes that i havent tried before to make something new.

in germany i was surrounded by well dressed people. it occupied much more of my time than it does now, but i feel that some of my style nowadays was influenced by them. they are great at having well fitting clothes with great color choice/accents, and just being there makes you want to dress as much like a boss, and as creatively as you can.

but for the most part fashion doesn't occupy too much of my time and thought. but living in berlin this last summer has changed that a bit."

Saturday, October 6, 2012

why do you do this blog?

i've been asked this a few times, so i figured i'd explain a little about the genesis and purpose of this blog.

it is partly so i can have opportunities to work on my photography.

it is partly because i like style.

it is partly to meet new people.

i am intrigued by how people become who they are, how they've evolved and why they are the way they are. style is more of a superficial manifestation of this, but at the same time, how you dress and how you present yourself is a big part of who you are.

photographing people and their style for me is a way to capture a slice of who they are. that's why they talk about their style instead of me making commentary.

provo has a mix of people that come from all over the united states as well as the world. some come with the influences of where they grew up, and others are influenced by what's around them, that's why i chose to focus on the microcosm that is provo.


ps. modo (probably pronounced moe-doe or moe-toe) is the latin word for style, hence 'provo modo.'

Saturday, September 29, 2012


from meridian, id.
9 months in provo.

"style is important because it is the first thing people see. it tells who you are. a friend and i always joke that if we have to wear clothes, they might as well look good. i just try to wear things that i feel comfortable in."

Sunday, September 16, 2012


from brea, ca.
a year in provo.

"born of a heightened sense of self-consciousness and a discovery of threadless t-shirts back in 2005, my interest in fashion has slowly evolved into what it is today. now i spend every morning trying really hard to look like i don't try very hard."

Monday, September 10, 2012


from farmington, ut.
three years in provo.

"style doesn't have to cost a lot or take a lot of time, it just has to make you feel lovely. i try to keep it classy with some sort of accent. i like weird stuff. i like patterns. and i love finding a good bargain."

Saturday, September 1, 2012


from clovis, ca.
about a year in provo.

"i get all of my inspiration from nicolas cage and nickelback. also, i'm not wearing hockey pads."

stalk bret here. she's a hoot and a half.

Monday, August 13, 2012


from cincinnati, oh.
three years in provo.

"i like to keep a mix between classy and adaptable."

Sunday, August 5, 2012


from salem, ut.
two years in provo.


"i feel like my style should compliment my personality. if i don't think i can wear it well, i don't wear it. it's most important to me to feel comfortable and confident in whatever i have on."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


from pleasanton, ca.
two years in provo.

"i run off of thrift stores and gift cards. i find something i like and make it work for me. if i feel comfortable being myself in what i'm wearing, it's good."

Friday, July 27, 2012


from la canada, ca.
three years in provo.

"i think fashion should make you feel comfortable and confident.  for me, what's clean and fitted is usually best. i like to pair the simpler look with an accent like a necklace or vintage headband. there's something really classy about minimal well-placed accessories. 
if you feel like you're in a rut don't be afraid to try something new! the coolest thing about personal style is that it's always evolving."

Friday, June 22, 2012


from boise, id.
two years in provo.

"i just dress according to how i feel. sometimes i feel like looking cutesy so i'll wear a fun top with a skirt. other times i'm feeling more preppy, so i'll wear a collared shirt and skinny jeans. i enjoy trying out a wide variety of "styles." it makes dressing in the morning a lot more fun!"

follow rachel's style blog at xoxo Rachel Sayumi.

Friday, June 15, 2012


from kanosh, ut.
three years in provo.

"i am influenced by cowboys, turn-of-the-century gents, ethnic clothing, japanese design simplicity and mingei ideals. i prefer a natural fiber (linen, cotton, wool, silk) with a coarse weave and earth tones. i believe in the mingei idea that simple, functional, handmade things (including clothing) when done well, transcend beauty and ugliness.

it's probably best said by coco chanel, "etiquette is for those without manners, in the same way that fashion is for those without style." find your style and wear clothes that fit your body. that will never go out of fashion." 

check out noah's style blog, Systematic Departure from Normality

Monday, June 11, 2012


from auburn, al.
two years in provo.

"reduction is the key to my style; i.e. expressing myself with the least possible amount of pieces, colors, patterns, etc: there's a real visual potency that comes from a well designed outfit."